+86 400 6656 526 info@sieghd.com

Absorbed Talent recruitment in Germany

Working, livable and studying
Human resources

Originated from Germany, China and Germany provide full cycle human resources services. We are dedicated to serving the two countries.

Build an interoperability platform for enterprises and talents.

German enterprise job hunting

Latest positions in German Enterprises

Employer recruitment

Direct signing of German enterprises for multiple types of work

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Our HR services in Germany

Enterprise vision

Help enterprises recruit better employees
Empowering the value of workers

We are committed to providing first-class human resources services, constantly improving our service quality, matching jobs across Germany and providing ideal job opportunities for workers.

Employer satisfaction rate


Satisfaction rate of job seekers

Our advantages

Focus on serving people going to Germany

Only in Germany, looking for high-quality talents for 100000 + German enterprises in China; Provide accurate job matching and high-quality talents for Chinese youth who are interested in developing in Germany.

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Customer affirmation

Our service has been affirmed

It has cooperated with many German universities and well-known enterprises to jointly run schools and jointly build majors in China, so as to build a channel for mutual recognition of academic degrees between China and Germany, and enable Chinese students to obtain dual academic degrees and high employment security between China and Germany.

Our honor


Ral quality seal for nursing recruitment;

2022 European enterprise business Hero Award;

Anue license;

M-cert certification;

Medal of diversity;

... ...

China Germany Union

Our cooperative enterprise