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The United Nations released the world migration report 2022! Germany is still a pastry!


According to the latest United Nations data, the total number of international migrants in 2020 has reached 281million, accounting for 3.6% of the global population, equivalent to one international migrant in every 30 people. The United States is the main immigration inflow country, and there are more than 51million international immigrants living in this land. Germany is the second largest immigration inflow country in the world, with nearly 16million people.

Since ancient times, human beings have been migrating and flowing. The history of human development is a history of migration and mobility.

In modern society, people have migrated not only to find shelter, but also to become an important way for high net worth people and even the middle class to carry out family planning and overseas asset allocation.

In order to explore the migration trends around the world, the United Nations Office for migration (IOM) will issue the world migration report every few days, aiming to enhance the understanding of policy makers, researchers and the public on migration issues.

Recently, a new edition of the world migration report 2022 came.

Overall migration profile

Total immigration
The latest United Nations data show that by 2020, the total number of international migrants has reached 281million, accounting for 3.6% of the global population, equivalent to one international migrant in every 30 people.

Compared with 272million in 2019, the total number of global migrants increased by 9million in one year. Among them, the working population accounts for 62% of the total number of immigrants.

Statistics of total global migration from 1970 to 2020

From a regional perspective, Europe is currently the largest destination for immigrants, with 87million immigrants; The second is Asia, with 86million immigrants; North America is the destination of 59million immigrants.

In other words, Europe, North America and other places are still areas where immigrants gather; The popularity of traditional immigrant countries, such as the United States and Canada, has not decreased; In recent years, the European countries that can get their identity by simple investment have sprung up!

Country of immigration

As in the past 50 years, the United States is the most important immigration inflow country. There are more than 51million international immigrants living in this land.

Germany is the second largest immigration inflow country in the world, with nearly 16million people.

According to the data of the Federal Bureau of statistics, in 2021, 27.2% of people in Germany had immigration background. Turkey is the main source of German expatriates, accounting for 12%, followed by Poland (10%) and the Russian Federation (6%).

Emigration abroad

India is the largest migrant country, with nearly 18million Indian immigrants living overseas.

Mexico is the second largest migrant country, with 11million people.

China is the fourth largest migrant country, with more than 10million Chinese living overseas.

Where do people of all countries like to migrate?

People in each country also have great differences in choosing immigration destinations. Among them, the United States is the country where Mexicans, Chinese and Filipinos like to migrate most.

Another interesting discovery is that the migration flows between Russia and Ukraine are very large, and they are each other’s main immigration inflow and outflow countries.

As the world’s most important migrant country, India’s favorite destination country is the United Arab Emirates, followed by the United States, and the third choice is Saudi Arabia.

Fewer female immigrants

According to the statistics of the past 20 years, the proportion of women in immigrants is becoming less and less.

Epidemic impact

Travel restrictions imposed by covid-19 have led to unprecedented liquidity stagnation around the world.

During the reporting period (July 2021), many countries were implementing or strengthening travel restrictions.

It can be seen from the air passenger data that the total number of global air passenger transport has decreased from 4.5 billion in 2019 to 1.8 billion in 2020. Under the influence of the epidemic, the total volume of air passenger transport dropped by 60%.

Total international remittances

The report also points out that covid-19 has had a far-reaching impact on the mobility of immigrants. Travel restrictions have prevented hundreds of millions of people from traveling and put thousands of immigrants in trouble.

This directly led to a decrease of 2.4% in the total amount of international remittances compared with 2019, reaching US $702billion.

Countries receiving the most remittances

Working abroad is inseparable from remittances to family members in their country of origin.

In 2020, India received the largest amount of overseas remittances, reaching US $83.15 billion.

The second is China, which received US $59.51 billion in remittances.

Countries sending the most remittances

The United States is the country that sends the most remittances, with a total amount of US $68billion.

The second is the United Arab Emirates, with us $43.24 billion.

Largest refugee receiving country

By 2020, the total number of global refugees had reached 26.4 million.

Among them, refugees under the age of 18 accounted for 38% of the total.

Turkey has become the world’s largest refugee host country for the fifth consecutive year, with a total number of refugees reaching 3.6 million.

The top five refugee hosting countries are Turkey, Pakistan, Uganda, Germany and Sudan.

2022 passport ranking

The more visa free countries a country has, the higher its ranking, which indicates that the government of this country has maintained good and solid diplomatic relations with other countries, and can also enhance its economic relations with other countries.

The authoritative ranking of passports in the industry is the Henley & Partners passport index, which evaluates the gold content of passports according to the number of visa free or landing visa destinations in various countries and regions.

Not long ago, the Heinz passport index updated the passport ranking of countries and regions in 2022:

1. Japan and Singapore (192); 2. Germany, Korea (190); 3. Finland, Italy, Spain, Luxembourg (189); 4. Austria, Denmark, Sweden, France (188); 5. Ireland, Portugal (187); 6. Belgium, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, the United States, the United Kingdom (186); 7. Australia, Canada, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Greece, Malta (185); 8. Hungary, Poland (183); 9. Lithuania, Slovakia (182); 10. Estonia, Latvia, Slovenia (181).

In an unstable and changing world, the rich need to develop plan B for themselves and their families – to provide them with a safe and high-quality place to live in times of crisis, while providing them with more opportunities to access global business and lifestyle.

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