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Ambassador Wu Ken attended the opening ceremony of the China Germany friendship city forum and delivered a speech


On June 15, Chinese ambassador to Germany Wu Ken was invited to attend the opening ceremony of the China Germany Sister Cities Forum entitled “green and digitalization – new momentum of mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Germany” hosted by the Chinese people’s Association for friendship with foreign countries.

Ambassador Wu said in his speech that this year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Germany. Over the past 50 years, China and Germany have transcended ideological differences in open exchanges and established more than 70 dialogue mechanisms, including government consultation. The leaders of the two countries maintained close exchanges and bilateral relations developed smoothly. The bilateral trade volume has increased from less than US $300million in the year when diplomatic relations were established to nearly US $250billion now. China has become Germany’s largest trading partner in the world for six consecutive years. Local cooperation has always been an important component and driving force of China Germany relations. Since the establishment of the first pair of sister city relations between China and Germany in 1982, the number of good ties between provinces, states and cities of the two countries has reached 103. This partnership not only enriches the connotation of China Germany cooperation, but also endows bilateral relations with more vitality and creativity.

As long as the two sides firmly grasp the main tone of dialogue and cooperation, adhere to the principle of seeking common ground while reserving differences, mutual benefit and win-win results, China Germany relations can still be stable and far-reaching in the era of changing circumstances, and China and Germany can still be partners of mutual achievements, rather than rivals who win or lose. At present, China’s “fourteenth five year plan” is in full swing. Germany is also facing the opportunity of green energy transformation and accelerated digital development. There are new opportunities for cooperation between the two countries at the macro level, and there is great potential for local cooperation. It is expected that local provinces (prefectures) and cities of both sides, on the basis of existing good cooperation, will jointly build more bridges of friendship and cooperation to promote mutually beneficial cooperation and people to people exchanges between the two countries.

Linsongtian, President and Yandong, vice president of the Chinese people’s Association for friendship with foreign countries, Ling Wen, vice governor of Shandong Province, LV fan, charg é d’affaires ad interim of the German Embassy in China, humer, Minister of state of Bavaria, and kraboon, representative of the mayor of Duisburg attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches online.

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