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German entry regulations related to novel coronavirus sars-cov-2 / covid-19


Dear traveler
Welcome to Germany!
Please pay attention to the following important matters. Failure to comply with the following provisions is an Administrative Offence and can be subject to a fine of up to 25000 euros.
≡ please note: all immigrants have the obligation to prove. All persons over the age of 12 must have vaccination certificate or recovery certificate or test certificate at the time of entry (before crossing the border) (antigen test: no earlier than 48 hours before entry; nucleic acid test: no earlier than 72 hours before entry). If you have stayed in an area classified as a variant virus area at the time of your entry within 10 days before your entry, you must have a test certificate at the time of entry (antigen test: no earlier than 48 hours before entry; nucleic acid test: no earlier than 72 hours before entry). You must be able to show these certificates to the carrier, or when requested by the federal police or competent authorities at the time of entry, for inspection.
≡ if you have stayed in a high-risk area or a mutated virus area before entering the country, please note that you have the obligation of registration and isolation: if you have stayed in an area classified as a high-risk area or a mutated virus area within 10 days before entering the country, you must be on the entry portal in Germany before entering the country https://www.einreiseanmeldung.de Register on the and carry the registration confirmation certificate with you for inspection by the carrier or the federal police when entering the country.
In addition, in principle, you are also obliged to go straight back to your home or another suitable residence immediately after entering the country and stay there all the time (isolation). No visitors shall be received during isolation. For the list of high-risk areas and mutated virus areas, see: https://www.rki.de/risikogebiete 。
◆ for high-risk areas: the isolation time is 10 days in principle. If you pass the website https://www.einreiseanmeldung.de If the vaccination certificate or recovery certificate is submitted, the isolation can be ended in advance, and the end time point is the time point of submitting the certificate. Similarly, the quarantine can be ended in advance by submitting the test certificate, but the test shall not be earlier than the fifth day after entry, that is, in this case, the isolation time shall be at least five days. For persons under 12 years old, the isolation time will automatically end after the fifth day after entry.
◆ for mutated virus areas: in principle, the isolation time is 14 days, and in this case, in principle, there is no possibility to end the isolation in advance (vaccinators and cured people cannot end the isolation in advance).
≡ for exceptions and more information, see: https://www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de/coronavirus-infos-reisende/faq-tests-einreisende.html 。
≡ if you have typical symptoms (dyspnea, new cough, fever, loss of smell or taste, etc.) after novel coronavirus sars-cov-2 infection within 10 days after entry, please contact the local competent health bureau immediately( https://tools.rki.de/PLZTool/en-GB )Or contact your doctor.

New channel of German labor service

Beijing Shengli Shangde Human Resources Information Consulting Co., Ltd. (Shengli Shangde) an Zhuo ®️ Its German labor project service center is the first in China to provide overall solutions such as German labor project channel cooperation, work visa handling, training and 48 month tracking service in Germany with reference to the 2020 version of the skilled migration law of Germany and based on the real job needs of German K & K social resource and development GmbH and other human resources and medical groups in Germany.

“Shengli business ethics” service project

√ German labor project cooperation

√ labor training in Germany

√ German nurse project cooperation

Service content of “Shengli business ethics”

√ German job search, comparative analysis between China and Germany, and accurate analysis of corresponding types of work according to the feedback of German labor market. √ domestic channel management and project support, adhering to the spirit of German craftsmen, only cooperate with domestic qualified and trustworthy human resources companies to recruit high-quality skilled workers and provide project support and training. √ visa processing, worry free travel to Germany, high-quality and efficient procedures, remote employer interview, reverse visa, worry free travel to Germany. √ respecting the seamless connection between services and 30 years of professional HR services, arranging to live in Germany in advance, VIP pick-up and one-to-one landing registration services. √ the whole process of overseas service is followed up for 48 months. After sales service is provided in Germany. The service network of 6 branches in Germany is fully covered. The Chinese and German teams are trained and tracked regularly.

Labor consulting ↓↓↓

Tel: 186 1408 8617

Wechat: anzhuode01

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